
Functional Test Automation of an Insurance software that was being developed under RUP development model. The Test strategy was designed to match the SDLC. The testing had to align with development speed and the market priorities. Test automation was introduced early in life cycle  to gain testing speed and for early detection of defects.
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  • A web based Insurance product connecting Company, Agents and Customers
  • Margin of error was very low here
  • Quality goals were stringent
  • Short Turnaround time


Project characteristics

  • Web Application
  • Rational Unified Process (RUP) based development methodology (Incremental)
  • Short cycle time of development
  • Quality conscious customer


Project Quality needs

  • Detailed and precise Verification and Validation based on the project goals (FURPS+)
  • Streamlined process
  • Quick regression tests


Client’s bane -Testing process

  • Manual testing was a laborious task due to frequent enhancements and increments in software
  • Imprecise inputs- Repeated runs of a manual testing produced slightly different results
  • Testing time overlapping with incremental development time thereby making test efforts redundant
  • Ownership of test artifacts was an issue


OAKSYS Solution

  • Automation of testing process using an appropriate tool
  • Reorganization of test artifacts as a prelude for automation
  • Verification of test artifacts that are inputs for automation in terms of correctness and completeness
  • Synchronization of automation process with the development process


How OAKSYS does it?

  • Verified Flowchart and Test cases i.e use cases for completeness and correctness as a prerequisite for automation
  • Reorganized Test data as a part of Automation effort
  • Jointly developed Acceptance criteria and scripting standards
  • Developed Automation script that are dynamic and reusable thereby ensuring maintainability
  • Developed test case usability in the script across use cases
  • Synchronized regression testing based on software release plan
  • Devised tracking mechanism giving high visibility in the entire exercise
  • Followed Client processes (CMM Level 3)


Our Value Add

  • Identified missing Test cases during the reorganization of Test artifacts for Automation
  • Took ownership of entire testing exercise thereby reducing client’s role and anxiety in ensuring the quality


Numbers Speak

  • Around 1400 test cases were verified. Test data was reorganized as apart of Automation
  • Automation was carried out for around 1300 test cases which would be automated


Where Numbers cannot speak

  • Automation added new dimension to reach quality goals
  • Meaningful automation meant faster turnaround,higher quality and consequently higher client and end user satisfaction