
Key challenges relating to testing in agile development environment

The key challenges relating to testing in agile development environment include:

1. Testing process not keeping pace with the agile development process

Recommendation – Agile development aims at releasing rapid upgrades each of which may be small but crisp. The testers need to plan their activities in line with in the agile development activities. This aspect needs to be kept in mind by the testers and they need to plan the tests with short cycle time. However repeated releases lead to repeated  regression tests. Unless the regression tests are automated, it is not possible to effectively carry out agile testing.

2. Expecting to carry out manual testing without automation in agile environment

Recommendation – Manual  testing  is a time-consuming exercise. Since the agile release cycles are short, unless regression tests are automated, test team cannot complete the testing tasks within each sprint. Test managers need to plan the automation activities in an integrated manner while planning for the agile testing

3. Not involving testers in daily stand-up meetings

Recommendation – Agile process by nature expects active participation of all roles in project execution. Thus, testers being an integral part of agile process, must be involved and be equal partners in ensuring success of the project.

4. Communication gap between developers and testers

Recommendation – Due to short cycle time agile sprints, any communication gap between developers and testers may lead to unwarranted delays and misunderstanding. This may lead to severely affecting the performance of the team. This should be avoided with care.

5. Inexperience in using agile methodology or not sufficiently trained

Recommendation – Test team cannot effectively perform its intended role unless it is experienced /trained in agile methodology. Project planners must ensure that each team member is well trained and mentored by experienced agile practitioners.

Source : “Software Testing – Effective Methods, Tools and Techniques“ book authored by our director, Mr Pradeep Oak and published by McGraw Hill.